How Long Do Furnaces Last in Ontario?

How Long Do Furnaces Last in Ontario

When bracing for the harsh Ontario winters, a reliable furnace can be your best ally. A crucial component of your home’s heating system, its longevity can have a significant impact on your comfort and energy bills. But how long do furnaces last in Ontario? 

This question is vital for homeowners looking to invest in a new furnace or maintain their current one. Let’s delve into the factors that affect a furnace’s lifespan and what you can do to maximize it.

Introduction to Furnace Lifespan and the Factors That Affect It

The lifespan of a furnace is influenced by several factors. These can range from the make and model of the unit to its maintenance and usage. Understanding these factors can help homeowners make informed decisions about when to replace their furnace, thus ensuring optimal comfort and energy efficiency. Here are the key factors that affect a furnace’s lifespan:

  • Make and Model: Not all furnaces are created equal. The quality and reliability of your furnace can depend greatly on its make and model. Premium brands typically offer higher quality and longer-lasting products.
  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance and timely repairs can significantly extend a furnace’s lifespan. This includes routine tasks such as dusting, cleaning filters, and inspecting for any potential issues.
  • Usage: The more frequently a furnace is used, the shorter its lifespan tends to be. Thus, furnaces in colder regions like Ontario may not last as long as those in milder climates.
  • Installation: A properly installed furnace not only operates more efficiently but also tends to have a longer lifespan. Professional installation helps ensure that all components are installed correctly and function as intended.

Average Lifespan of Furnaces in Ontario

In Ontario, the average lifespan of a furnace ranges between 15 to 20 years. This range, however, is contingent upon the factors previously discussed. A well-maintained, high-quality furnace can outlast its average lifespan, while one that is frequently used and poorly maintained may need replacement sooner. It’s important to note that these figures are averages, and individual experiences may vary based on specific circumstances and conditions.

Factors That Determine the Lifespan of a Furnace

  • Climate: The geographical location and the climate of the region where the furnace is installed can greatly impact its lifespan. Furnaces in colder regions, like Ontario, are used more frequently and intensely, which may accelerate wear and tear.
  • Quality of Installation: The skills and expertise of the technician who installs the furnace play a significant role in determining how long it will last. Improper installation can lead to frequent breakdowns and a reduction in the overall lifespan of the unit.
  • Type of Fuel: The type of fuel a furnace uses, whether gas, oil or electric, can also impact its longevity. Each type has its own set of maintenance needs and potential issues that can affect the furnace’s lifespan.
  • Technology & Model Year: Newer models with advanced technology usually last longer than older models due to improvements in efficiency and durability.

Signs That Your Furnace May Need Replacing or Repairs

  • Age: If your furnace is nearing or has exceeded its average lifespan, it may be a signal that you need to start considering a replacement.
  • Increased Energy Bills: If your energy bills are increasing without a significant change in usage, your furnace may not be working as efficiently as it should.
  • Frequent Repairs: If your furnace needs frequent repairs, it may be more cost-effective to replace it than to continue paying for repairs.
  • Temperature Fluctuations: If you’re noticing uneven temperatures throughout your home, it could be a sign that your furnace is not distributing heat properly.
  • Unusual Noises: If your furnace is making strange noises – such as banging, popping, or screeching – it may be an indicator of serious issues that need immediate attention.
  • Decreased Air Quality: If you’re noticing an increase in dust, allergens, or dry air in your home, it may be a sign that your furnace is not properly filtering and humidifying the air.

Tips for Extending the Lifespan of Your Furnace

  • Regular Maintenance: Ensure that your furnace is serviced regularly by a professional. This can help detect and fix issues early, keeping your furnace in good working order.
  • Clean/Replace Filters: Over time, furnace filters can become clogged with dust and dirt, impairing functionality. Cleaning or replacing your filters regularly can extend your furnace’s lifespan.
  • Use a Programmable Thermostat: This device can reduce the load on your furnace by adjusting temperature settings based on your patterns of use. This can save energy and extend the life of your furnace.
  • Insulate Your Home: Proper insulation can reduce the load on your furnace by preventing heat loss. This can prolong the life of your furnace.
  • Install a Humidifier: A humidifier can improve the efficiency of your furnace by adding moisture to the air, making it feel warmer and more comfortable.
  • Upgrade to a High-Efficiency Model: If your furnace is old and inefficient, consider upgrading to a high-efficiency model. This can save energy and extend the lifespan of your furnace.

How to Properly Dispose of an Old Furnace and Avoid Environmental Impact

Disposing of an old furnace is not a task to be taken lightly due to its potential environmental impact. It’s crucial to follow responsible disposal practices to minimize harm to the environment.

  • Hire a Professional: Your first step should be to hire a licensed professional. Furnaces are complex machines that contain various components, some of which may be hazardous if not properly handled. Professionals have the knowledge and tools to safely dismantle and dispose of your old furnace.
  • Recycling: Many components of a furnace, such as metal parts, can be recycled. Check with local recycling centers to see if they accept these components.
  • Hazardous Waste Disposal: Some furnace parts may be classified as hazardous waste, such as oil tanks or certain electronic components. These should be disposed of at a designated hazardous waste facility.
  • Schedule a Pickup: Some municipalities offer pickup services for large items like furnaces. Check with your local waste management service to see if this is an option.
  • Donation or Resale: If your furnace is still in good working order but simply inefficient for your needs, consider donating it to a charity or selling it. This not only extends the life of the furnace but also prevents it from ending up in a landfill.

Remember, improper disposal of an old furnace can lead to penalties or fines. Therefore, it’s important to adhere to environmental regulations and guidelines during the disposal process.

About Us

Ontario’s government provides multiple power incentives to homeowners who are willing to upgrade their HVAC systems. So, why wait any more? Laird & Son Heating & Air Conditioning is available to offer their customers high-quality air conditioning and emergency products and services. We are a family-owned and operated establishment with approximately 70 years of experience in the industry and have qualified service representatives on our team to offer proven services across the greater Toronto area.
To get your hands on our free sales quotation and to know our latest offers, call us at 416 421 2121. You can also connect with us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

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