Why Does My AC Cool My Home But Fail to Manage Humidity?

Why Does My AC Cool My Home But Fail to Manage Humidity?

High humidity levels during Toronto's summer can challenge the efficacy of air conditioners in homes. Even when an air conditioner is emitting cold air, it might not successfully reduce indoor humidity. Aside from being inconvenient, this situation poses potential risks to both the household and the air conditioning equipment.

As a responsible homeowner, it’s wise to take a proactive approach in order to identify the root cause of the problem immediately. If you're struggling with this issue, consider the following common causes and the importance of promptly addressing them.

1) Thermostat problems

One of the primary culprits behind excessive indoor humidity despite a functioning air conditioner can be thermostat-related issues. At times, the solution might be as straightforward as adjusting the thermostat to the correct setting. But sometimes, the deeper problem lies with defective components, like the thermostat's temperature sensor. When this sensor fails to accurately gauge the room's actual temperature, it can inadvertently contribute to persistent humidity, even when the air feels cool.

2) Refrigerant leaks

Maintaining the appropriate refrigerant levels in an air conditioner is pivotal for managing humidity. Routine maintenance can assist in preserving these levels. However, there are instances when refrigerant leaks might surface. Factors such as corrosion, inherent manufacturing flaws, or the gradual wear and tear resulting from vibrations can lead to such leaks. When refrigerant levels drop consistently due to these leaks, they fail to counteract high humidity levels effectively.

3) Compressor issues

The compressor in an air conditioner plays a crucial role in the humidity-control mechanism. It's responsible for moving the refrigerant and converting it into a specific gas. This gas aids in heat extraction by dispersing it outdoors via the AC's condenser coils. If the compressor encounters issues, its ability to extract heat diminishes. As a result, even if the expelled air feels moderately cool, the air conditioner might find it challenging to dehumidify it, leading to increased humidity indoors.

4) Oversized air conditioning unit

At times, an air conditioner might undergo what is termed as short cycling. A common reason for this phenomenon is an AC unit that's disproportionately large for its intended cooling space. When the unit cools its designated area too swiftly, the thermostat perceives the rapid temperature drop and prematurely powers down the system. This abrupt cycle often doesn't leave sufficient time for effective dehumidification.

5) Blocked drain line

The condensate drain line of your AC plays a critical role in mitigating indoor humidity, as it expels moisture during the cooling process. However, there can be occasions when obstructions, like accumulated debris, hamper this drainage. In such situations, the drain line fails to operate at its optimal efficiency, increasing indoor humidity. Moreover, moisture lingering in the AC system can instigate additional complications.

6) Duct system leaks

The duct system has the primary function of distributing conditioned air in different parts of your home. But compromised ductwork, due to leaks, might inadvertently pull in moisture-laden air from concealed, warmer sections of a house such as attics or basements. Consequently, even though the air conditioner emits what feels like cold air, it isn't as chilly as you might expect because it's mingling with humid air infiltrating from those spaces.

7) Clogged air filters

Air filters are integral for refining indoor air quality, as they trap and eliminate contaminants like dust and allergens. They also have a noticeable impact on the overall performance of the air conditioner. Neglecting a clogged filter and letting it remain in the system can hinder the free circulation of air. This obstruction can have cascading adverse effects, particularly on the evaporator coils that are instrumental in both cooling and moisture removal.

The Consequences of High Humidity in Your Home

Elevated humidity levels within a home, regardless of the root cause, brings with it a series of challenges that should not be neglected:

Struggling Air Conditioner

The fundamental function of an air conditioner is to cool down warm air inside your home. If it struggles with managing humidity, it exerts undue pressure on the system, expediting its wear and tear. This kind of stress on the air conditioning unit paves the way for numerous malfunctions, which could translate to costly repair bills. Addressing the problem of high humidity can help you avoid these significant expenses.

Frozen Evaporator Coils

Evaporator coils in an air conditioner house the refrigerant, essential for cooling the air by extracting its heat. This cooling action gives birth to a type of moisture known as condensate. When the air conditioner is constantly at its limit due to overwhelming humidity, there's a risk that this condensate might solidify. This can impair the compressor, worsening the humidity level. Freezing of the evaporator coils can also jeopardize other integral components like the refrigerant lines.

Structural damage to the house

The inherent moisture content in humidity has the potential to wreak havoc on a house's structure. Initial manifestations might be cosmetic, like paint or wallpaper chipping away. However, if left unchecked, the damage can grow rapidly, compromising the very bones of your house - its beams, frames, and other critical architectural elements. These structural parts may become susceptible to rot, distortion, or other debilitating conditions. As you can imagine, fixing these kinds of structural damage can put a dent in your pocket.

Bacteria and fungi growth

Both fungi and bacteria thrive when humidity levels are elevated, posing potential hazards to your home and cooling equipment. Fungi use the moisture content in humid settings to proliferate, subsequently releasing spores that can circulate freely within the house. On the other hand, bacteria not only find it easier to establish colonies in damp environments but also spread quickly, aided by the air circulated by air conditioners.

Dust mite infestation

High humidity can be a breeding ground for dust mites. Although these mites don't typically inhabit air conditioners, the allergenic substances they produce might get dispersed through the house via the AC. If the air conditioner's efficiency is compromised due to the undue burden of addressing humidity, it can inadvertently foster a favorable habitat for mites. Their proliferation can aggravate allergies and respiratory conditions, which could lead to expensive medical bills.

Higher energy consumption

A struggling air conditioner that tries to counteract humidity inevitably consumes more energy. When noticing a surge in their electricity consumption, many homeowners mistakenly believe that the aging nature of their air conditioner warrants a replacement. Often, rectifying humidity-related issues can be all that’s needed to rejuvenate the air conditioner's performance. This can lead to a decrease in electricity bills, as the air conditioner doesn't have to exert as much effort.

Addressing humidity challenges in your air conditioner is imperative, not just to ensure comfort but also to prevent future issues that might entail hefty repair costs. If you're facing problems with high humidity at home, don’t hesitate to enlist the services of Western Pacific Heating, Cooling & Airflow in Toronto, BC. Our skilled professionals have the knowledge, tools, and expertise to identify and fix any problems with your air conditioner efficiently. Aide from our air conditioner repair services, we're also adept at offering air purification solutions and handling furnace-related tasks, be it installation or maintenance.

About Us

Ontario's government provides multiple power incentives to homeowners who are willing to upgrade their HVAC systems. So, why wait any more? Laird & Son Heating & Air Conditioning is available to offer their customers high-quality air conditioning and emergency products and services. We are a family-owned and operated establishment with approximately 70 years of experience in the industry and have qualified service representatives on our team to offer proven services across the greater Toronto area.
To get your hands on our free sales quotation and to know our latest offers, call us at 416 421 2121 or write to inquiries@lairdandson.com. You can also connect with us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

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