911 Laird and Son Service to the Rescue

Customer: I have a technician here who has shut off my furnace. He showed a readout on a device and said it read 4 but when I saw it the reading was 2. But he said that it was dangerous and turned off my furnace. Can you help me? I can’t really afford a furnace right now.
Laird Manager: That’s bizarre. I know that he is using a sniffer to detect carbon monoxide but I have never heard of such a test. Did he do any further inspection of the furnace?
Customer: No. He just waved that thing in my face after waving it in front of the furnace and then told me the bad news and turned off the gas.
Laird Manager: Can I speak with him? Is he still there?
Customer: I don’t think he will speak with you. He’s a very rude man.
Laird Manager: Tell him I’m your cousin and I’m in the business.
Customer: Can you wait? He’s in his truck.
Laird Manager: Yes, I’ll wait.
Long pause….
Customer: He won’t speak with you. He refused to open his window and drove off.
Laird Manager: Did you pay him?
Customer: No, I refused.
Laird Manager: This is what you do. Call our service desk and tell them to send our senior service tech. He will check the furnace for problems and if he can, he will clear the tag and turn the furnace back on. If he cannot he will quote you on a replacement. But please be assured he is very honest.
Customer: I will do that. Thank you.
Two hours later…
Customer. I just wanted to thank you. Your serviceman came and ran and tested the furnace. He said that in spite of being 24 years old the unit is running well and there is no danger of carbon monoxide spilling into my house. Thanks again for your interest in my situation. I was very upset.

Moral of the story: There are crooks in serviceman uniforms. Know who you are dealing with before you call. Call Laird and Son for service with a heart.

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