What Should I do Before I Turn off My AC Unit

During the hot days of summer, a home air conditioner is one of the most indispensable pieces of equipment in your home. When the air is simmering with the heat of the sun outside, it keeps the inside of your home cool and comfortable. Generally, people keep their air conditioners on throughout the day and night all summer long. Some switch it off from time to time during cooler periods, and some people don’t switch it off until the end of the season.

If you are in the habit of keeping your home air conditioner running continuously at all times, then there is nothing to worry about, since doing so doesn’t do you or the machine any harm. However, there eventually comes a time when you have to turn it off. You may have to turn it off at the end of the hot season or when it’s time for repair and maintenance. So what should you do before turning your A/C off?

If you are switching off your home air conditioner for just a few days, simply switch it off with your thermostat controls. However, if you need to switch your unit off at the end of season or if it is not working properly, you may want to completely shut off power to your air conditioning. This will prevent accidentally turning on your unit during the winter which could damage it irreparably.
If there is something wrong with your home air conditioner or it is not working optimally, then call a certified technician for repair and maintenance. If it is the end of the hot season, then you will also want to call a qualified technician for repair and maintenance in preparation for the next hot season. Usually the filters, fans and ducts need to be cleaned.

A home air conditioner needs to be repaired and maintained regularly to keep it running efficiently. Besides being efficient, a regularly maintained air conditioner lasts many years. Laird and Son is the leading provider of heating and air conditioning services in Toronto. The company’s highly trained and experienced technicians can fix any problems and ensure your air conditioner is working at an optimum level. Contact us for all your air conditioning needs today.

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